The sun is dimming, and the world keeps spinning.
When is the solar eclipse?
On Saturday, March 29, 2025, we’ll all be under the blotting influence of a partial solar eclipse in Aries.
Per NASA, the eclipse will be visible in sections of North America, Europe, Africa, northern Asia, small parts of South America, Greenland and Iceland, as well as parts of the Atlantic and Arctic oceans.
March 29 solar eclipse North America
Beginning at sunrise, North America will witness some of the most significant coverage.
Around 7 a.m. in Halifax, Canada, 83% of the sun will be covered. At 6 a.m. in Portland, Maine, 64% of the sun will be blotted out. New Yorkers will see a bit less blot, with 22% coverage at 6:45 a.m.
Solar eclipse 2025
The eclipse transpires at 9 degrees of Aries, a critical degree that astrologer Palmist Ankur could give rise to major world events, leadership changes and intensified conflicts.
In numerology, 2025 (2+0+2+5) is a 9-year, representing transformation and transition, the end of a cycle, and the onset of another: closure and conclusion.
“Solar eclipses often bring severely malefic incidents, such as deaths of kings and presidents, besides the usual accidents,” Ankur told The Post.
He notes that countries associated with the sign of Aries, including England, Denmark and Syria, are primed to feel the effects of this eclipse most acutely.
Ankur shared that eclipses are notorious not just for events that happen the day of but for setting into motion cataclysmic changes that play out in the weeks and months that follow.
Solar eclipse path
Add to the cosmic colada that one day after the eclipse, Neptune, our planet of dreams and delusions, moves into war-monger Aries, a sign ruled by Mars, the planet of fire and action, bringing with it heightened tension, instability and a general sense of wilding the f–k out.
“Neptune is a planet that signifies idealism, but it also signifies the fog of conspiracies and terrorism as well as things related to mist or water.”
Further, during the eclipse, Mercury, our planet of connection and communion will be retrograde adding an extra dose of confusion and volatility.
Solar eclipse 2025
“The last three weeks of March and the first couple of weeks of April 2025 should be quite eventful for the world,” Ankur shared.
On a personal level, those with key placements and/or planets at 9 degrees of the cardinal signs; Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn may experience significant shifts and precipices, both positive and seemingly negative. But bear in mind and take to heart that every ending is a beginning and every problem a preparation.
Astrology 101: Your guide to the stars
However, at the collective level, Ankur warns that events triggered by these movements are less likely to be immediately beneficial.
“As the world moves through this pivotal eclipse season, astrologers suggest staying aware of geopolitical shifts, leadership changes and possible disruptions in communication and travel. With powerful astrological forces at play, March’s solar eclipse could mark the beginning of a new era of global change.”
Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. To book a reading, visit her website.