Lincoln Center Theater has announced the cast for its upcoming production of Henrik Ibsen’s GHOSTS, featuring a new version by Mark O’Rowe and directed by Jack O’Brien. The cast will feature Ella Beatty as Regina, Billy Crudup as Pastor Manders, Levon Hawke as Oswald, Hamish Linklater as Engstrand and Lily Rabe as Helena Alving.
GHOSTS will begin previews Thursday, February 13, 2025, and open on Monday, March 10, 2025, at the Mitzi E. Newhouse Theater (150 West 65 Street).
After several years abroad, Helena Alving’s (Lily Rabe) son, Oswald (Levon Hawke), has returned home. He carries with him a terrifying secret. Ibsen’s GHOSTS is a devastating moral thriller in which ideas of love, duty and family are mercilessly put to the test. This new version, written by one of Ireland’s leading playwrights, Mark O’Rowe, and directed by Jack O’Brien, grabs you by the throat from the outset and refuses to let go – all the way to its electrifying climax.
GHOSTS will have sets by John Lee Beatty, costumes by Jess Goldstein, lighting by Japhy Weideman, sound by Mark Bennett and Scott Lehrer, and original music by Mark Bennett. Chris De Camillis will be the Stage Manager.
In addition to GHOSTS, Lincoln Center Theater’s current 40th Anniversary season includes the Broadway debut of Floyd Collins, a musical with book by Tina Landau, music and lyrics by Adam Guettel, additional lyrics by Tina Landau and direction by Tina Landau, which will begin previews on Thursday, March 27 ahead of an opening night on Monday, April 21 at the Vivian Beaumont Theater; as well as an additional LCT3 production to be announced.