In the aftermath of one of the ongoing wildfires in Los Angeles, show business legend Bette Midler is spotlighting one talented family finding hope among the ashes. Watch the video!
On Friday, Bette shared a video of an Altadena family, the Halpins family singing a hymn among the burned remains of their former family home.
Earlier in the week, Midler shared a statement of support for the victims writing, “To everyone living through the apocalyptic and unbelievable fires of the last few days, who have lost everything and now have the enormous task of getting back on their feet; I am devastated and heartbroken for all of us.”
The Halpins later thanked the star for sharing their performance, writing, “So glad we can offer some small comfort to those who have lost so much! Thank you, @bettemidler,”
Check out their moving performance here: