Spain’s Popular Party won the European elections but it did not result in the collapse of Pedro Sánchez’s government as the conservatives had hoped.


From the resignation of the Belgian prime minister to early elections in France, the European elections have had a ripple effect across the continent.

In Spain the Popular Party (PP) clinched a notable victory. However, despite the conservative hopes, Sanchez’s government did not collapse as a result.

Despite the success of the Popular Party, Sánchez’s Socialist Party retained a solid base of support.

Esther Peña, spokesperson for the Socialist Party, said “It is true that we are committed to the idea that resisting is also a way of winning”, she said.

What’s next for Sánchez

Pedro Sánchez still has three years left in his term and currently has no intention of calling for early elections. 

Political analyst Jaime Coulbois told Euronews that, “From an institutional point of view -he said-, nothing has changed. The Parliament remains where it is, and Pedro Sánchez still has a majority that supports him”.

However, the real test for Sánchez lies ahead. His electoral strategy has strained relationships with key allies, including the leftist movement Sumar and the Catalan parties. Sanchez’s coalition partners lost support in this EU elections compared to last year elections, with analysts point at a possible vote transfer from Sumar to the socialist. 

These tensions are set to come to a head as negotiations begin for the investiture of the president of the Generalitat of Catalonia, where the socialist party won the regional elections but fell short of a majority. 

Catalonia remains one of the few regions in Spain where the Socialist party outperformed the PP, and came in first in two provinces at the expense of pro-independence parties such as Junts and ERC.  

Yolanda Díaz, Vice President of the Spanish coalition government and leader of Sumar, has decided to step down as coordinator of the movement.

“The citizens have spoken. And I will take responsibility. For this reason, I have decided to step down as coordinator of Sumar”, she said.

Díaz has announced she will continue as vice president and minister of Labour, but she already announced her group will be more active within the coalition government and will push for more distinctive policies.

A unifying fear

The competition between Sánchez’s allies and the Socialists in Parliament has already stalled several initiatives and prevented Sanchez from passing the General Budget.

Despite these internal challenges, one factor unites the diverse parliamentary bloc supporting Sánchez: the fear of a potential coalition between the PP and the far-right VOX party.

The prospect of a Popular Party and VOX coalition serves as a motivator for Sánchez’s allies to remain united. This shared apprehension may be the glue that holds together an otherwise fragmented alliance, ensuring that Sánchez’s government can continue to function despite potential challenges.

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