In a radio interview this morning, Trump said he believes all American Jews should cast their ballots for him next month because “nobody’s done more for the Jewish people than I have.”

“I should get 100% of the vote. No person has ever been better to the Jewish people, probably no person, period, to the Jewish people and Israel,” Trump said during an interview on “Sid & Friends in the Morning,” a drive-time radio show that reaches listeners in the New York metropolitan area.

Trump reiterated his belief that the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks would never have happened had he been in the Oval Office.

Jewish Americans have overwhelmingly voted for Democratic presidential candidates for decades, though some polls conducted this year have shown Republicans making gains with Jewish voters.

Trump has repeatedly said he believes he deserves a larger share of the Jewish American vote, partly because of his administration’s pro-Israel policy, including the U.S. recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in 2017 and the relocation of the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

In a previous interview on “Sid & Friends,” for example, Trump said: “If you’re Jewish, if you vote for a Democrat, you’re a fool, an absolute fool.”

In response, many Jewish community leaders accused Trump of trafficking in antisemitic tropes by suggesting members of the faith feel “dual loyalty” between the U.S. and Israel. Jewish American voters are motivated by a wide range of domestic and foreign issues in this election, advocates say.

In a separate interview with conservative media personality Hugh Hewitt, Trump was asked whether Gaza could rival Monaco if it was “rebuilt the right way” by a real estate developer. Trump replied that Gaza could be “better than Monaco” partly because it has “the best location in the Middle East.”

“It could be the most beautiful place — the weather, the water, the climate,” the former president said.

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