Chatgpt Prompt for writing a feature that centers around an individual’s or a family’s experience

“Guide me in crafting a captivating human interest news feature that focuses on an individual’s or a family’s experiences. Please ensure the advice covers:

      • Narrative Building: Strategies to build the narrative around the individual or family, making them the centerpiece of the intro, key paragraphs, and possibly the conclusion.
      • Human Connection: Ways to spotlight their experiences to foster a connection with readers, allowing them to identify with the subjects of the feature.
      • Evocative Storytelling: Tips on using vivid descriptions, anecdotes, and direct quotes to bring their story to life.
      • Balancing Personal and Universal: Suggestions on highlighting their experiences while tying it back to broader societal or thematic issues.
      • Compelling Conclusion: Advise on crafting a conclusion that circles back to the individual or family’s experience, underlining the feature’s emotional resonance and overall significance.

The goal is to create a narrative-driven feature that not only highlights the subject’s experiences but also allows readers to connect on a deeper and more personal level, enriching their understanding of the related themes.”



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